Sunday, September 28, 2008
haha finally i have my hands on my toshiba m700 or rather m750. haha. touchscreen rox!
will be heading for my 3rd wedding this month. haha. nice to see frends getting married happy and all. haha. i know what you're thinking, yes you, don't bother asking. haha.
booked the bali trip end of this year with yaoqi and kelvin. haha. really looking forward to relaxing and having a rejuvenating time. haha. though it does seem like i will be unable to join junquan in france though. if only we all had more time and money for travel. haha.
assignments are all due within the month of october. going to be hectic month for me, but hey, life's not all about meeting deadlines right? haha. i'd sacrifice some of my performance for time with friends. haha. the question is, which friends would do the same? haha. thankfully i realise, i do have friends with the same mentality as me. haha. thankful for them. heh!
marathon in approx 10 weeks time, and i have yet to start training. running the half without training is one thing, but the full without training. hmmm. might be suicidal. haha should be grabbing daquan down for a run next sat. hopefully the weather holds up. although i do love sleeping while its storm-ing outside. =)
life's as good as you make it out to be. or as bad as you think it is. why worry about something that's not confirmed. and for that matter, why worry about something that is. and as many mathematicians would tell you, this means, why worry at all. things smooth out by themselves over time, we just need to be less myopic and look ahead. haha. dreams will be fulfilled and goals achieved. so let's all be happy and enjoy every moment.
{5:47 PM}
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
the lappie's still not here. sianz. i'm so freaking pissed with toshiba and with comp shop. sigh.
anyway had my hair cut, and well, my hairdresser cecelia convinced me to keep my fringe because she wants to cut a certain style in... omg 3 months time. so as i wait for my hair to grow, and frens will know my extreme dislike for thick hair, i have gotten her to cut my sides short. but now i end up looking like a blooding beng with long tops and short sides. hmmm i dunno how else to describe it and i am sure as hell not going to post a pic. haha.
met the recently ORDed specs with anthony for dinner yesterday. haha. nice to hear all the rubbish coming from them after so long. haha. wondering what charlie office is like now without the noise and nonsense from them haha.
pace is picking up, assignments are due. sianz.
{8:48 AM}
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
yes i finally have the photo from daquan! haha! proof of my run! woo hoo! haha look at my chicken chopstick legs. yucks! the bad camera angle just makes it look worse. YUCKS YUCKS!
Charlie Battery! Woo Hoo!
haha and now i can finally able to enjoy Marriott Hotel's Durian mooncake! oh yes that soft smooth creamy texture. just absolutely heavenly!! a pity they don't have the strawberry yoghurt ones anymore. dang!
haha went to watch WALL.E with daquan on tuesday. haha. loved it to bits! haha. although throughout the entire show, wall.e kept going eva eva eva and eve kept going walle walle walle. haha but that just adds to the charm. haha.
happy times.
{9:17 PM}
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Saturday, September 06, 2008
woah. it sure has been a long time sia. haha.
let's see. what have i done since then. run 21km at ahm. run 10km at nike run. haha. that's about it. cannot upload photos cos daquan hasnt sent me them yet.
haha look at this! it's mooncake festival again!! craving for these goodwood park hotel snow skin mooncakes!!
Goodwoodpark Hotel's signature snowskin range of tropical fruits D24 Durian and Cempedak, as well as the popular Yam Paste with Red Dates
Mango with Pomelo in Snowskin Mooncake
and just read the description of the mango one found on their websites (both pictures taken from there too!) "enveloped in each piece of the new snowskin mooncake is the smooth and luscious mango puree with refreshing mango cubes and just the right amount of juicy pomelo sacs for the perfect contrast of sweet, sour and bitter tastes."
i can feel it in my mouth already!! ahhhhhhhh!!
haha. life now's pretty settled and well if i may say, boring. haha. maybe it's cos i'm not making the most of it, or maybe it's just a phase thing. haha. dont wanna commit too much because this phase will end soon anyway. haha.
but i guess i've come to realise that the only person that can make you happy is yourself. haha. and it's an bloody hard fact of life for someone like me to accept that. haha. being the proverbial ultra dependant (actually i dunno if which proverb that is haha) sort, its difficult to accept the fact that are actually in control of one's own happiness. haha. but well we all learn in someway or another. i think i stumbled on this fact during ed psyc class. haha. neither extreme is good. a person who is very dependent and cannot function without being included in a social context. and a loner who cannot function if he is included in one. haha. i t hink i belong to one extreme. haha. i cannot function alone. haha. for now that is. haha.
ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others. if one truly believes in that, does it give him the oppourtunity to be happy the bulk of the time?
{11:02 AM}
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